Hope for our City

Reflecting on the past few months about our city I had to park my thoughts of tragedy to create hope for the future. It is really difficult being positive each day when there is so many assaults on human beings. Assaults expressed by physical, verbal or mental violence. Our city is suck in a time whenContinue reading “Hope for our City”

The Star

After hearing the king, they went their way. The star led them to the east.which they had seen in the east. They stood over the place where the Child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy. After coming into the house they saw the Child with Mary His mother; andContinue reading “The Star”


This past weekend my brother-in-law came over to help me cut down a 50-year-old fallen pine tree in my front yard. I am so appreciative of his skill, brawn and the young adults that helped me remove the tree. As he pulled up in his pick up truck, out he came with a container ofContinue reading “George-the-Chicken”

The Life of puppy…

The other day my focus was accomplishing projects around the house. Rushing around worn out from the long week, compulsively Saturday chores were in motion. It was a crisp fall day perfect for raking leaves and washing windows. While washing away the summer, through the glass at the end of the beam was puppy. TheContinue reading “The Life of puppy…”

OMG….A Pink Panther?

Ladies and gentleman: The story you are about to read is true. The names have been changed to protect the innocent. It is the long and short of it! It was a typical day in the camp, all the very important people (VIP) were around the canteen waiting for their turn to for painting andContinue reading “OMG….A Pink Panther?”