99 days of Gratitude Day 6 – Wisdom

Today I received my favorite annual Christmas Card. It’s from my friend and teacher Mary Pat. Each year I await this card, but this year it got lost in the mail and arrived perfectly today. I am thankful for the wisdom that Mary Pat built in my heart and in my mind. She taught meContinue reading “99 days of Gratitude Day 6 – Wisdom”

Presence and intent

As I stumbled to the coffee pot the white board on the refrigerator stopped me. The white board is the white shiny surface with multiple color markers like the ones you see hanging in corporate offices. In the office you might see the agency vision, the strategy and all the plans for the company to prosperContinue reading “Presence and intent”

Not for thee

It is unbelievable when it happens in your life. It hits you like a sucker punch that you never saw coming. There is no rehearsal or planning for it, it just piles on you like a ton of concrete.  Each time it seems to hurt as much has the first experience. It is impossible to buildContinue reading “Not for thee”

The Sunshine Club

I finally had time this week to look through our Christmas Card Basket. I have this ritual of waiting until there is a pile and spending a whole evening reading cards, Christmas stories from our friends and family warm my heart. I really get no credit for the dozens and dozens of card we getContinue reading “The Sunshine Club”


We can waste so much time worrying about what challenges us personally and in our relationships. We can get easily overwhelmed with the details and wrapped up in the menusha that nothing gets accomplished. We can get so emotional wondering what others might think of our position or judge our character. Will they hate me?Continue reading “Frankness”

I don’t feel my hair.

“Hey monkey how are you tonight?”, Lucas say’s to his daughter London on the phone.  “I am fine Dad leave me alone, you are always on my back, I am fine”, London stated defensively. London hung up the phone as Lucas sat at his kitchen table in Vermont. He worries about London all the time.Continue reading “I don’t feel my hair.”


What would happen if you were told that in the next minute your heart would stop beating? What would you think? How would you feel? What would you tell people about yourself that no one would know? Ask yourself these questions and for a minute. What would I do if someone told me my lifeContinue reading “Flatlined”


Nathaniel felt like a failure. Everything in his life had fallen apart since he flunked out of college. The stress was too much to handle. The end of his relationship with his girlfriend, spiraling grades and students loans stacking as high as the bank building downtown. It started one morning when he woke up aloneContinue reading “Ap-pre-ci-ate”

My sister is a nurse

Understanding this story is quite simple, but you would need to have a sister who was a nurse, know a nurse or work with a nurse to fully get this experience. It appears to have all started in 1968 when I became her science project. I was searching though a box of pictures of myContinue reading “My sister is a nurse”